Birth and death are the two major incidents that accidentally take place in the lives of all living-beings. There are many controversial views on these two likely or unlikely events.

  Some believe that when one dies the soul dies forever; while some others believe that when one dies, the body alone dies and the soul takes another birth and coolly continues its quests. Hindus in general, and Tamilians in particular, believe that, body alone dies at the time of death and the soul takes newer births again and again. Observe a great Siddha's lines:


The Body, we call it, on its existence, and,

The Corpse, we call it, on its demise; but,

The Spirit, that gains wisdom by then, takes,

The Body again for furthering its wisdom-Divine!



  It is just in this context the great divine poetess Avvai considered birth as an endless happening by calling it as "mayaapiravi".


Saved me from my ignorance and thus,

Saved me from the vicious circle of births!
>>Avvai in her Vinayagar Agaval.

  Similarly, Tiruvalluvar a great Siddha and poet, in one place, compares the endless births that a soul takes, to a great ocean. In another place he compares death to sleep, which is a daily routine for all living beings. As a livingbeing sleeps and wakes-up thousands of times in its life, the soul is considered to experience death and birth for thousands of times.  Please observe:


We die, just like going to sleep and

We born again, just like waking up!

>> Thiruvalluvar Thirukkural-1330(239)

  Thus, a single soul is believed to take countless deaths and births. Therefore, Thirumandhiram, the compendium of Siddhas' Philosophies, advises all human beings to seek and accomplish the technique to avoid the process of death in one body and reincarnation into another in the following lines:


Learn the art of braving the nature; and thereby,

Learn, not to abandon a body and acquire, another!

>> Thirumoolar Thirumandhiram-3000(2106)

  The following are some of the unforgettable incidents I have read in this context.


  Some 30 years back, I remember to have read in a book published by Theosophical Society (I believe), a record of events, of an experiment conducted through a very experienced Yogi, where the yogi once attained his peak yogic state will be made to touch the head of a devotee and predict his/her past births, a revelation from the universal source, using his mystic contact. I have randomly read the book and amazed to know that a persons births continues during the different periods of history, on different continents, in different types of bodies and in different sex. As per the information read therein, it seems that the expedition of a soul is endless and it may continue for centuries together without any unique tag of caste, creed or credulity. Since I read this very long back the image in my memory is blur but the information has not faded away due to its factual weightage. I tried to give reference of these books, but on enquiry I have learnt the Theosophical Society has got many books dealing with this subject and locating the book will take time.

  Sir Arthur Conan Deyle, author of the famous Sherlock Holems detective novels, was said to have interest in Eastern Philosophy and did some worthy research on the myths of death and the status of the soul after death. He seemed to have contacted his daughter when he was physically dead and spoke to her through their servant maid's body, who went faint then (as reported later by his daughter). 
This recorded information leads us to believe that the soul never dies with the body.


  An young girl called Guruvammal (alias Guruvaaththal) belong to Puliampatti village (alias Puliankulam) near Kovilpatti was murdered by one cruel person. Her soul took the body of a parrot and dwelled in that village for quite some time with its (i.e., Guruvammal's) relatives and amidst many other strange deeds it identified the murderer. (As reported to have happened during June, 1989 and recorded by Mr.R.Ramaswami in his book "Kandadhum, Kettadhum", Episode 15, Page 108). The incident has been photographed and published.


  A young girl named "Sakshi" identified one Mr.Shyam Mithra as her "son of her previous birth" at Keerthi Nagar, New Delhi. She moved with Shyam's family as if a blood-relative, telling her name was "Bholi bai" in her previous birth and proved her statements to him and his other relatives by quoting many private incidents. The Illustrated Weekly of India had published an article on this unbelievable incident, with photograph in its 1-12-1985 issue.


  My maternal uncle, a well educated man, had university education (B.A.) some 60 years back, lead a modern life, with scientific thoughts reported to have seen his dead relatives inviting him to their world. The very next day he died. I have heard some other incidents similar to this explanation. In most of the cases the subject expires after a couple of days. This clarifies that when one dies he still carries with him his affection to relatives. This affection, Siddhas say, will get detached once the soul gets transformed into its next stage, the free self that takes births again and again for gaining superior knowledge.


  Numerous incidents of rebirth have been identified from time to time and such reports were analyzed by researchers in this line and published in books on rebirth, reincarnation, life after death and other broad headings.



Siddhas are the Masters of the Universe. The function of siddhas is to administer and protect the universal systems. To those who wish to thread in the path of Self realization, Siddhas would guide them. Thus, leading them to the Universal Truth.

There are several Masters existing in the Universal system. Under them, there are lots of other siddhas whom are performing their duties. Normally, a Siddhas can take any form or shape as they wish and can be any where at any time. Beyond these kinds of super natural powers, they present various knowledge concepts and formulae. Apart from these, their contributions are from Medicine to Meditation to Astronomy to Astrology to Anatomy to Geography to Physics to Ultimate Truth.



Once upon a time in the ancient period Ashurargal like Tharagan destroyed the whole world. So Lord Indhiran thought to control or kill them with the help of Agni Deva and Vayu Deva gods. Agni came to the world. By seeing the Devas, Ashuras went inside the sea, Agni Deva thought that they died. But Ashuras came back and again they continued to destroy the world. By seeing this, Lord Indiran was angry with Agni Deva and told him to suck the sea and kill them. But Agni Deva told , "if I do this, whole universe will be disturbed. That karmic debit will be on me" and he refused. So Lord Indiran gave him a curse. "you refused my words so you will have a birth in the world as Kumbam (Acquiries) and you will have to drink the sea water."

In the other side, Lord Vishnu had a birth as Dharuman and in certain age he started Chant. To spoil his chant Lord Indhiran had sent Apsaras. Although Dharuman did not infatuate on them. So that he created a beauty queen, named as Urvasi from his thigh. Urvasi married a person named Mithiran. In this situation, seeing the beauty of Urvashi, Varunan was in infatuation and he loved her, he expressed his love to Urvasi. But Urvashi had already married. So she refused the love of Varunan. But Varunan requested her that “if you don’t expect my love, just think about me, when you are having sexual interaction with Mithiran. That will be enough to me” he said. But without knowing about future Urvasi accepted Varunan's request.

According to this one day when she was with Mithiran she thought of Varunan, knowing this Mithiran gave her a curse that "you have to birth in world as a girl and you will have to be the wife of Purooravan." But the sexual relation with Mithiran-Varunan expressed in a kumbam (Acquiries) from that a person named Nimi had a birth.

One day Nimi was playing with many girls in that time Vashistar passed on the way. But Nimi did not respond him. So Vashistar got angry on him and gave a curse that you should not have body for your soul, Nimi also cursed the same to Vashistar, because of the blessings of Bhramma.

Without the body, Vashistar went inside the Mithra-Varuna kumbam. After some periods from that kumbam, Vashistar came out of it. And then shri Agasthiyar came with four hand and kamandalam. Because of the curse of Indhiran, Agni Deva had a avathar as Agasthiyar in the world. His powerful chant and yoga sidhi’s he got all the powers. According to the indhiran’s curse Agasthiyar sucked the sea water and killed the Ashuras with his sidhi power and also he destroyed the poison of sea. By seeing this, all mummoorthi’s (Lord shiva, Vishu and Brahmma) gave blessings to shri Agasthiyar to be as a sidhar for billion years in future in the south.

Lord Shiva & Parvathi had a arguement about the other birth for the human beings according to the karmic debit & credit. For that they choosed Agasthiyar and asked him to have research about it and to write about the life and birth. He made a research about human life and wrote in the palm leaf about their birth according to their karmic debit. To identify one's leaf he classified the thumb impression as 108 names and he separated it like top, middle and low by certain lines.

When he was in research of human life in south he had seen many Rishi they are in the tree upside down. Seeing this Agasthiyar questioned them , they said our family wise named person Agasthiyar had not entered into family life and he is having a karmic debt so that our soul hadn’t got Moksham(Heaven).

By thinking of the above, Agasthiyar went to Vidharpa country and married Uloba Muthirai, who she was borned by the Yagam (prayer for Lord Agni)of that king. By that he rectified his karmic debt and his ancistors got moksham.

After this Agasthiyar went to pothigai hill and with the blessing of Lord Subramani (Karthikeyan) he learned Tamil language and developed.

But when we came to know the history of Agasthiyar there we will be able to know that there were many histories & stories about Agasthiyar life. In the name of him many of them were lived like Vadhapi Agasthiyar, Ulbo Agasthiyar, Podhiya Agasthiyar like that. By seeing the names we have a doubt that all will be the one, who is the Agasthiyar.

But if all this is in other side also when we come to know about Naadi Astrology, siddhas, sidhas medicines, we wil be remembering Agasthiyar maharishi.

Regarding naadi astrology and medicines now a days also we have many questions and doubts but in that ancient period itself with his power he had explained all about those in his palm leaves by which we predict you.

By knowing all these details the Naadi Astrologers, who are from the valluvar's family predicting in this century also.



Born in Truchi in Tamil Nadu Sri Kaga Bujandara is said to have seen the truth in everything around him. This great saint is said to have witnessed in the form of a crow several cycles of creation and destruction Famous works include Kaaga Bujanda Gnyanam, Kaaka Kaiveeyam 33.



Born with Lord Shiva's name on his lips this great sage said that the constant repetition of the Lords name would even turn ones body into gold. A great rennuciate he is said to have lived for over 4,000 years. His works include Naadi Parikshai and Sivavakiyar 1000.



Patañjali is known to be an incarnation of Adi S'esha who is the first ego-expansion of Vishnu, Sankarshana. Sankarshana, the manifestation of Vishnu His primeval energies and opulences, is part of the so-called catur vyuha, the fourfold manifestation of Vishnu. Thus may Patañjali be considered as the one incarnation of God defending the ego of yoga.

There are very many disputes about the background of Patanjali Maharishi but the works of his contemporary Thirumoolar are ample proof of the following detail. The ancient Kali Kautuvam describes how Patanjali and Vyagrapada gathered along with the gods in Thillai near Chidambaram to watch Shiva and Kali dance and perform the 108 mystic Karanas, which formed the foundation for the system of Natya Yoga.

Patanjali was born to Atri (First of the Saptha Rishis) and his wife Anusuya in South Kailash, now called as Thirumoorthy hills which is located 100km away from Coimbatore, India. He was one of the very important of the 18 siddhas.

Their very essence was they were masters of Ashtanga Yoga which is in ways related to Raja Yoga or Kundalini Yoga or Tantra yoga.


One of the greatest mystics that India has produced in its long history, Tirumoolar was a great saint, traditionally allotted a date of 3000 BC and said to have lived for 3000 years, though assigned by historians to the period between the 1000 BC to 800 BC by scholars.[who?]

A Shiva saint Sundaranathan, a vedha scholar from Kailash, wanted to visit and stay with sage Agasthyar at the podhikai mountains in modern day Tamil Nadu. He started on his journey southwards, praying at holy temples - Kedar, Shirshailam, Thirukkalththi, Alavanam, Kanychi - taking holy bath in sacred river Ganga, and reached river Cavery. After taking a bath in the holy river and praying at the temple Avaduthurai, he continued his journey southwards and then went back to srilanka to his destination Podhikai Hills.

Nearing the outskirts of the village Chaththanur of Cholanadu, he saw a herd of cows in great distress. Their herdsman (idayan) by name Moolan (also Mulan) had died on the banks of the river and the cows were in grief. The Yogi realizing that the cows would be consoled only if Moolan came alive, so using his yogic powers he transmigrated his Atman to the body of Moolan, and hid his own body nearby and the cowherd Moolan rose as Thirumoolar. The relieved cows grazed happily on the riverbanks and went back to the village in the evening cared for by Thirumoolar.

Thirumoolar waited till all the cows entered their respective houses. Herdsman Moolan's wife saw him going to a mut (a place where bhakthas live) instead of to their house. To her laments, the learned elderly people of the town told her that Moolar has entered the shivayoga.

His magnum opus Thirumandhiram consists of over 3000 verses, each verse sung every year before he attained salvation. These verses, given out by him spontaneously every now and then when he came back to consciousness from his trance, are his invaluable contribution to posterity. The legendary beauty of it is that he came back to consciousness only once a year! The interesting legend about this is one of the greatest mysteries of ancient Tamil history.

Thirumandiram is indeed a spiritual encyclopaedia. It contains a synthesis of all knowledge right from the Upanishadic times down to the then-modern days of devotional revival, goes through all the maze and mystery of yoga and tantra, contains very strong criticisms of ritualistic idolatry, pours out forthright condemnations of the external gymnastics of occult practices, and expounds the esoteric significance of almost every kind of ritual and tradition. It is profound to the core, set in simple and cryptic style. The lilting Tamil in most of the verses can be enjoyed if one knows the language. Like the Upanishads it admits of several meanings at the same time. He, along with other yogis - namely Sivayoga mammuni, Pathanjali, Viykamarar, (see 4.Guru parampariayam, Thirumanthiram 67th verse) - received a lesson from NANDHI.

He even wrote in Thirumandiram about the various stages of development of a baby in its mother's womb.


Bogar is a Siddhar, he is considered as one of the 18 siddhars born in the world. According to epigraphical sources and his book Bogar Seven thousand his period is around 3000 B.C. Bogar born at India and visited China in search of truth of life, he gained knowledge in medicine, astrology, spritiuality, yoga etc.

Bogar anticipating that in due course of period, human beings will suffer from large number of disease. As an expert in medicine he used 4448 rare herbs and made 9 poisonous medicine, mixing these 9 poisons into one needs great knowledege and skill, to make a Master Medicine ( One medicine to cure all disease ). Thirumoolar also discuss one such Master Medicine in his book Thiru Mandiram. With the consultation of Agasthiar ( Father of Ayurvedic Medicine) and other siddhars Bogar mixed the 9 poisons ( Nava Bashanam ) and made the Master Medicine in the form of Lord Murugan which is currently worshiped at Palani Murugan temple. There is a place near Palani Hill called Thanasiappan Temple which is the place were Bogar mixed the Nava Bashanam and made the Murugan idol.

Bogar and others then decided that by using the milk and panchamirtham ( a sweet recipe ) poured on the idol, one can extract the medicine from the idol. The milk and panchamritham then becomes medicine to cure disease. After installing Lord Murugan Navabashana idol at the Palani Hill, Bogar used to worship it with milk abishegam ( pouring milk on the idol ) and panchamirtha abishegam ( pouring panchamirtham on the idol ).
His disciple Pulipani siddhar then took over the job of Lord Murugan pooja after Bogar went into Nirvigalpa Samadhi - the highest samadhi stage; where the Mind dissolves with Matter and Energy. Bogar Samadhi is inside Palani Murugan temple at Palani Hill. Actually Bogar himself constructed his samadhi exactly under the Lord Murugan Navabasha idol and went into Nirvigalpa Samadhi there. The entrance to his samadhi is a cave like structure, now also worship for this great siddhar is conducted at this entrance where he is last seen by his disciples which is at the Palani temple.