Birth and death are the two major incidents that accidentally take place in the lives of all living-beings. There are many controversial views on these two likely or unlikely events.

  Some believe that when one dies the soul dies forever; while some others believe that when one dies, the body alone dies and the soul takes another birth and coolly continues its quests. Hindus in general, and Tamilians in particular, believe that, body alone dies at the time of death and the soul takes newer births again and again. Observe a great Siddha's lines:


The Body, we call it, on its existence, and,

The Corpse, we call it, on its demise; but,

The Spirit, that gains wisdom by then, takes,

The Body again for furthering its wisdom-Divine!



  It is just in this context the great divine poetess Avvai considered birth as an endless happening by calling it as "mayaapiravi".


Saved me from my ignorance and thus,

Saved me from the vicious circle of births!
>>Avvai in her Vinayagar Agaval.

  Similarly, Tiruvalluvar a great Siddha and poet, in one place, compares the endless births that a soul takes, to a great ocean. In another place he compares death to sleep, which is a daily routine for all living beings. As a livingbeing sleeps and wakes-up thousands of times in its life, the soul is considered to experience death and birth for thousands of times.  Please observe:


We die, just like going to sleep and

We born again, just like waking up!

>> Thiruvalluvar Thirukkural-1330(239)

  Thus, a single soul is believed to take countless deaths and births. Therefore, Thirumandhiram, the compendium of Siddhas' Philosophies, advises all human beings to seek and accomplish the technique to avoid the process of death in one body and reincarnation into another in the following lines:


Learn the art of braving the nature; and thereby,

Learn, not to abandon a body and acquire, another!

>> Thirumoolar Thirumandhiram-3000(2106)

  The following are some of the unforgettable incidents I have read in this context.


  Some 30 years back, I remember to have read in a book published by Theosophical Society (I believe), a record of events, of an experiment conducted through a very experienced Yogi, where the yogi once attained his peak yogic state will be made to touch the head of a devotee and predict his/her past births, a revelation from the universal source, using his mystic contact. I have randomly read the book and amazed to know that a persons births continues during the different periods of history, on different continents, in different types of bodies and in different sex. As per the information read therein, it seems that the expedition of a soul is endless and it may continue for centuries together without any unique tag of caste, creed or credulity. Since I read this very long back the image in my memory is blur but the information has not faded away due to its factual weightage. I tried to give reference of these books, but on enquiry I have learnt the Theosophical Society has got many books dealing with this subject and locating the book will take time.

  Sir Arthur Conan Deyle, author of the famous Sherlock Holems detective novels, was said to have interest in Eastern Philosophy and did some worthy research on the myths of death and the status of the soul after death. He seemed to have contacted his daughter when he was physically dead and spoke to her through their servant maid's body, who went faint then (as reported later by his daughter). 
This recorded information leads us to believe that the soul never dies with the body.


  An young girl called Guruvammal (alias Guruvaaththal) belong to Puliampatti village (alias Puliankulam) near Kovilpatti was murdered by one cruel person. Her soul took the body of a parrot and dwelled in that village for quite some time with its (i.e., Guruvammal's) relatives and amidst many other strange deeds it identified the murderer. (As reported to have happened during June, 1989 and recorded by Mr.R.Ramaswami in his book "Kandadhum, Kettadhum", Episode 15, Page 108). The incident has been photographed and published.


  A young girl named "Sakshi" identified one Mr.Shyam Mithra as her "son of her previous birth" at Keerthi Nagar, New Delhi. She moved with Shyam's family as if a blood-relative, telling her name was "Bholi bai" in her previous birth and proved her statements to him and his other relatives by quoting many private incidents. The Illustrated Weekly of India had published an article on this unbelievable incident, with photograph in its 1-12-1985 issue.


  My maternal uncle, a well educated man, had university education (B.A.) some 60 years back, lead a modern life, with scientific thoughts reported to have seen his dead relatives inviting him to their world. The very next day he died. I have heard some other incidents similar to this explanation. In most of the cases the subject expires after a couple of days. This clarifies that when one dies he still carries with him his affection to relatives. This affection, Siddhas say, will get detached once the soul gets transformed into its next stage, the free self that takes births again and again for gaining superior knowledge.


  Numerous incidents of rebirth have been identified from time to time and such reports were analyzed by researchers in this line and published in books on rebirth, reincarnation, life after death and other broad headings.



Siddhas are the Masters of the Universe. The function of siddhas is to administer and protect the universal systems. To those who wish to thread in the path of Self realization, Siddhas would guide them. Thus, leading them to the Universal Truth.

There are several Masters existing in the Universal system. Under them, there are lots of other siddhas whom are performing their duties. Normally, a Siddhas can take any form or shape as they wish and can be any where at any time. Beyond these kinds of super natural powers, they present various knowledge concepts and formulae. Apart from these, their contributions are from Medicine to Meditation to Astronomy to Astrology to Anatomy to Geography to Physics to Ultimate Truth.