Power of AUM

Brahmn is at once Shabd(aum) Sama Veda and Brahmn alone vibrates in space

Sum total of the sound of the cosmos is Aum. It is otherwise called Nadabrahmam. It is the primordial sound of the universe, and the sound is echoed by waves of the seas.

When a Karma or act is commenced "Ohm" or "Aum (or as Westerners like to spell it: om) is uttered with full throated devotion to make us complete the job on hand and eradicate any evil which might impede the task. By starting it with the word "Aum" the act goes in accordance with the plan of nature. As all sounds merge in "Aum" all actions ought to be in harmony; with the cosmic scheme. Vigneswara is supposed to be the embodiment of 'Aum" as He is supposed to ward of all obstacles.

The word is believed to represent creation, preservation and destruction.

Letter "A" symbolizes the waking state
Letter "U" symbolizes the dream state
Letter "M" symbolizes the dreamless sleep state of the mind and spirit

Chanting "Aum" deepens the concentration of the mind which leads us to the realization of the divine, and will definitely bring our mind to a singular yet universal focus.