Yoga for Women

Yoga for Women

  1. Why should women consider yoga as an integral part of their daily work?
  2. Can woman practice all yoga poses?
  3. Can women continue with their yoga practice during their menses?
  4. What yoga asanas can be helpful in curing menstrual disorders?
  5. Can yoga help ease my PMS?
  6. Regular practice of which of which yoga can cure menstrual problems?
  7. Can yoga relieve me of Menopause symptoms?

Q1. Why should women consider yoga as an integral part of their daily work?

Women should practice yoga to keep themselves fit and fine keeping in mind their physique, age and physical activities. Daily practice will help them to improve on their figure, impart energy and prevent various uterine and ovarian disorders during pregnancy and childbirth.

Q2. Can woman practice all yoga poses?

Yes, women can practice most of the yoga pose. However, it is advised that she avoids difficult asanas like, Mayurasana, Poorna Matsyendrasana etc.

Q3. Can women continue with their yoga practice during their menses?

A woman must avoid rigorous practice during her menses till the time it stops. It is best to relax at his point of time for which Savasana is specially recommended. Certain postures such as inversions (headstands, shoulder stands, etc.) are best avoided during menstruation--especially during heavy flow days. Practice during this period can lead to extensive bleeding and inverted postures can disrupt the menstrual flow.

Q4. What yoga asanas can be helpful in curing menstrual disorders?

There are some asanas that help in curing the menstrual disorder and restore the regular pattern. They are Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Paschimotanasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Badha Konasana, Janusirasana, Bhadrasana, Pavana Muktasana, Naukasana, Bhujangasana. However, it should be kept in mind that they shouldn't be tried during the menstrual or extreme cases of distress.

Q5. Can yoga help ease my PMS?

Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS is characterized by uncomfortable mental and physical symptoms that can occur up to two weeks prior to the onset of menstruation. It also helps your mind and body adapt with stress, anxiety and depression making you feel relaxed and calm, and enabling you to cope with psychological symptoms of PMS.

Q6. Regular practice of which yoga pose can cure menstrual problems?

There are certain set of asanas, which, on doing regularly do not create any menstrual problems. They are Ushtrasana, Viparita Karani, Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Halasana, Padahastasana, Supta Vajrasana, Uddiyana, Nauli, Moola Bandha, Trikonasana, Utkatasana and in addition to it Savasana will be helpful to reduce tension.

Q7. Can yoga relieve me of Menopause symptoms?

Yoga balances the endocrine system which controls your body's production of hormones and it calms the nervous system, reducing stress and aggravation of hot flashes. Yoga is a weight-bearing exercise which strengthens your bones and prevents osteoporosis. It can massage the reproductive organs, relieve pelvic congestion and headaches, boost the immune system, reduce fatigue, and even out mood swings.